We try really hard to give you as much information as possible about our wonderful towns but sometimes we can’t cover everything. If you need to know more you might need to get in touch with one of the organisations below. We are not responsible for the content on any of these sites.

Cowes Harbour Commission CHC01983 293952
Cowes Town Council CTC01983 209022
East Cowes Town Council ECTC01983 299082
Isle of Wight Council IWCC01983 821000
Cowes Business Association CBA01983 280972
East Cowes Business Association ECBA
Cowes Nurseries, PreSchools and Schools

Red Funnel (ferry)02380 019192
WightLink (ferry)0333 999 7333
Hovertravel (hovercraft)0345 222 0461
Blue Funnel (cruises)02380 223278
Southern Vectis (bus)03300 539182

Cowes Tourist Information Point01983 303050
East Cowes Tourist Information Point01983 280656
Visit Isle of Wight (tourism)01983 521555
Island Echo (online newspaper)01983 898288
On the Wight (online newspaper)01983 898777
Isle of Wight County Press (local newspaper)01983 259000
Isle of Wight Radio (local radio)01983 822557

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This could be the perfect opportunity for your business to promote itself to potential customers through adverts, premium listings or even a sponsored interview.

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We would love to hear from you with your experiences, good and bad, and any suggestions for changes or improvements to the information we have. We can’t always answer your questions promptly but we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction. If you want to get in touch you can click on the Contact Us button below or message us on twitter.